Mr Man (I feel like I've titled a page that before) [these page titles are getting out of hand]

Talósaló - GaaramListen Here.

EMCD30 - Weird little bips and bops from Talósaló, somewhat similar to the syndaflod album. I recommend purchasing the other if you purchase one (or just purchasing the November bundle when that comes out).

Talósaló - Gaaram

1. Tenditul - 3:06
2. Sprintlove - 1:57
3. NLT Tudei - 2:11
4. Runny - 4:25
5. Scols Saffron - 1:12
6. Alels - 2:08
7. Sunerie - 1:51
8. Cattirin - 1:08
9. Dolfaction - 0:48
10. Tonerone - 1:04
11. Seefeelnothing - 4:38